Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Imbolc!

For the rest of the world, it is known as Groundhog's Day. Here is what Wikipedia says about Groundhog's Day,

For Wiccans and most pagans, today is Imbolc. Here is a lovely ritual you can do as a solitary, And here is a page about Imbolc lore, The goddess Brighid is generally honored today.

Today, when the sun is up, I'm going to do my own Imbolc ritual. It's such a lovely day, that I'm going to take a walk too. I don't know if it's because of my 20 minute exercise this morning (yay me!), but today has such a great energy, that anything seems possible! Do something you normally wouldn't today, that's been weighing on your mind lately. Lift that weight from your chest, to feel the great energy that today brings.

I've been thinking about creating a writing business. I would offer different things, such as how to write essays, group tutoring, writing workshops, and maybe even a group writing magazine. I'm also thinking about how I can do these things. Most likely I will have to have a few internships under my belt, some writing published, as well as some teaching experience. I also want to be a literary agent, I think that would be very cool. It's sad, not many students when they get into college know how to write an essay! And then they get stumped and have to go into remedial writing, which doesn't teach much either. I want to be able to help fill that gap. At this point, I have a blogging internship, which will help my writing portfolio.

Speaking of, I should begin writing for my internship today, and do some chores! Keep busy busy busy! As always, Blessed Be and have a wonderful Imbolc.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ritual Formation

Wiccan rituals each have common elements. If you choose to incorporate all of the elements together, is your choice. Sometimes we are limited by time and/or space, to decide on which elements to use for your ritual. But, if you are new, I highly recommend performing a full ritual for at least 6 or so months, to get the full benefit of the energy that you are invoking, and to truly practice during your Year and a Day. Here's a great website explaining Wiccan ritual,

Rituals are the heart of Wiccan religion. These are the way that we connect with the All--the Goddess, the God, and the universe. The energies that are invoked are meant to widen our perspective, to use our physical bodies in ways that you've never dreamed. For your first ritual, I want you to feel absolutely everything. I want you to "feel" the wall of your circle that you have created with your own energy. To feel energy, rub your hands together to create friction, then pull them apart maybe 5 or 6". In your mind's eye, "see" electric charges between your hands. Do your hands tingle? Are they warmer? Pick up an object. What do you "see" and "feel"? If you get images, you are seeing that object's story. Everything is energy. You are learning to commune with that energy.

1. Create your circle
2. Call the Goddess and the God
3. Call the quarters
4. Cakes & Ale (optional)
5. Planned Ritual (ie. spellwork; divination; Full moon/new moon ritual; bless ritual tools; Sabbat, basically anything that you have planned for your ritual)
6. Say farewell to the Goddess, the God, and the Elements
7. Open your circle
8. Ground & center

Maybe in the future I will write what to say during the different parts of ritual, but there are plenty of websites for ideas. Word to the wise: sometimes witches can be very private with their wording on certain spells and rituals. Even if you are in contact with a witch to give you advice, if you keep on asking for spells or rituals too often without offering ideas, they may not want to help you much longer. Witches love an independent person that can do research on their own, as well as have a creative mind to come up with their own rituals in time. I think in the near future I will put down my favorite websites that I frequent that I have found gave me the best ideas. In the comments below, let me know what you might like to know, or if there is anything that you are confused about. I will respond!

And as always, Blessed Be!

Monday, January 31, 2011

History of Wicca

The Elements

Everything in Wicca is a part of an Element: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Each Element is assigned its own color and direction: Earth (green; North); Air (yellow; East); Fire (red; South); Water (blue; West); Spirit (energy). The elements are called forth during ritual to protect the circle, and they are called the quarters, watchtowers, or the elements, depending upon the tradition. Here is a good website explaining a bit more about the elements,

Research each of the different powers of the elements. Meditate with a candle in the color of the element you are communing with. It's always a good idea to incorporate each of the elements into your daily life. Learn about the different elementals, or energy beings, that live in each of the directions, as well as the different names for the directions that are called upon during ritual. It is extremely important to research the different elements before calling upon them during ritual, so you know what you're dealing with. Never call upon any force that you are unfamiliar with in the circle.

As always, Blessed Be!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's the weekend!

So many people make a resolution, but few keep it to the rest of the year other than January. I've been following a motivational speaker's videos, Chalene Johnson, has anyone heard of her? She's from Socal and has her own line of exercise videos, and also does motivational speaking. For January, her videos are about creating to-do lists and actually keeping to them, to follow your goals. I was actually able to do the first thing on my list, "get organized." Now I want to start another task for February. It takes at least 30 days or so to create a habit. I've gotten a bit more organized since starting the challenge, as she calls it, and I'm proud of that. Now I want to tackle something else in my life that needs help with. Two important goals I have are meditate once a day, and exercise once a day. I want to lose 25 pounds this year, and ten by June, since I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding! So if anyone wants me to help them keep to their New Year's Resolution all year round, don't hesitate to leave a comment! I'll share with you some of the tricks I learned about keeping a to-do list.

I realized I didn't give a full introduction of myself when I started this blog! Okay, here goes. I'm a 25yo, and I've been struggling with independence. I was sheltered as a child, and I live on an island off the coast of California, which doesn't help my situation, lol. I've shared apartments with roommates since college, but by situation, had to move back home. I mean, it does have its perks, but I hate the whole checking in with the 'rents whenever I leave for 24 hours at a time. I've been Wiccan since I was in high school, so just about ten years. Omg! Has it been that long?? My dream is to have my own apartment, so I can put my altar in plain view and put a pentagram on the door, and a broom right next to it. I will be able to have full rituals in the living room, instead of keeping small ones inside my bedroom. I have a younger sister, and a small dog, whom I love to death!! She definitely makes the living at home situation bearable. One of my goals this year is to have two writing internships, to create a writing portfolio, since I was an English major in college. Right now I'm blogging part-time, which is a good learning experience. Finding the right internship is definitely tricky. It's difficult to find a paying one that doesn't have you doing more work than you should be doing in an internship, since many companies try to overwork their interns for less than $8 an hour. Anywho, I wish everyone a great weekend,

Blessed Be!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Ritual Tools Basics

Here is a list of many Wiccan ritual items. This list is by no means complete, and ritual tools are individual to the Wiccan. Each ritual tool is assigned an element. It is important to have all the elements represented on your altar, as well as a representation of the Goddess and the God, and the pentacle represents Spirit. Here is a site explaining altar items,

Pentacle (Spirit) The pentacle has the five points of a star, with a circle surrounding it.

Altar (Spirit) The platform which holds the ritual items

Altar cloth The cloth that adorns the altar, could be in any design you choose that holds meaning to you.

Wand (Air) The item that is usually made of the branch of a fruit tree, is usually used in Wiccan ritual to create sacred space and calling the quarters.

Athame (Fire) A ritual knife, with a double-edged blade and a black handle. It can also direct energy within the circle, can also be used to create the circle. A boline, a dagger with a white handle, can be used to cut herbs.

Goddess and God representation (Spirit) Usually represented by a gold and silver candle, set side by side on the altar. It can also be a representation of your pantheon. Many witchcraft shops also offer candles in the shape of a male and female that are also used. Color can depend upon the ritual.

Chalice (Water) A special ritual cup, used in the Cakes and Ale portion of ritual, usually holding wine specific to that ritual.

Incense (Fire/Air) Used to smudge the ritual space, to cleanse it of negative energy.

Candles (Fire) Placed on the altar, and also can be placed at the North, East, West, and South portions of the circle, to represent the different elements. Color can be white, or the colors of the elements they represent.

Water (Water) Used to sprinkle around the ritual area to create sacred space.

Bell (Air) Used to signify the beginning, and sometimes end, of a ritual. Disperses negative energy when rung.

The descriptions here are what I have learned. If you know of a different element that something belongs to, or a different ritual item, you can name it in the comments below.

As always, Blessed Be! More to come soon!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Visualization, or seeing through your mind's eye, is important for spellcraft. Learning to visualize exactly what you want to come to be helps it come to be. Think about it. Every action, every manifestation, originates with thought. You change yourself, you change your world. Wikipedia describes creative visualization as "the practice of seeking to affect the outer world via changing one's thoughts." Can you see your living room at home? Can you notice the color of the curtains, the couch? Which magazines are on the table, do you remember? Learn to see as much detail as possible with your mind's eye. Here is a site that teaches the steps of how to visualize,

When creating a spell, one uses visualization to put energy into it. The more detailed the visual picture, the better the energy can direct the spell to your desire. Do you want a certain kind of cat for a pet? Draw the kind of cat you would like, and picture it in your mind's eye. Describe everything you would want in a cat. Playful? Good with children? Put as many details as you can into your visualization. Call upon the Goddess and the God, or whichever pantheon you choose, build up energy, and then release that energy. Even if you're experienced in witchcraft, re-learning visualization every once in a while can be an eye-opener, and give your spells fresh energy. 

Until next time...Blessed be!